Tuesday, December 27, 2011

An After Thought on the Holidays...

Greetings To All,

I haven't written for a while because I've not really had anything of substance to share.  I vowed that I would not write for the sake of writing and take up your time, especially during the holidays, you're busy I'm certain of that.  Anyway, hope your season of giving was all that and more.  I know that for most the Holidays, for those that celebrate at least, can be a time of added stress,  what with deciding what to buy and for whom, how much to spend, the lines, the attitudes and the resulting financial burden that many inherit as a result of overspending.  Pretty much the same routine every year, right?  Hopefully things were a little different this year and actually maybe things have been a little different for you the last few years as the economy has struggled and many of us have had to readjust our lives in many ways to just make ends meet.  I guess what I'm about to say has been said many times before so I'll say it again because it's worth remembering...this time of year when folks are frantically running around "getting things" lets really keep in mind the true spirit of the season and really keep it going the year through.   Be Safe and use good judgement.

Cheers,  Riad 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

And the verdict is...

Happy Sunday,

And the verdict is... a resounding YES!  Yes to color, yes to fit , yes to proportion and yes to being true to yourself in the choices you make every single day in all that you do.  Pretty tall order, right?  I want to take a moment and speak on this idea of "style" ; one's own personal stamp on things.

Let's face it, we've all seen it.  The person who stands out, catches our eye, makes us look twice.  Sometimes depending on your reference this "standing out" can be viewed positively, sometimes not so positively.   I know growing up as I began to make decisions on what direction my style would move in, it really came down to understanding me, being honest with what story I wanted to tell the world as I moved about it.  The key here is honesty and a consistency; a true to oneself kind of representation and really your style is and should be an extension of who you are.  Style extends far beyond just what you've got on your back and feet; style is an aura, a presence, a comfort within "one's own skin"; style is what and how you speak.  Style can move mountains!  Are people born with the style gene or is it an acquired trait? What do you think?
